aldo caredda

stacy stewart smith gallery, Brooklyn/NY/USA
Group Show
Blister de la série "Around and Around " (2002)
une empreinte/une boite plastique/11cm x 7cm
Blister from the "Around and Around" series (2002)
blister - one imprint/ one plastic case/4,3 x 3,7 inches

Korea foundation, Séoul, Corée
Group Show
tirage numérique sur toile, 200cm x 150cm
hole - digital print on canvas, 80 x 60 inches

Treehouse gallery, Los angeles/usa
Group Show
Blister de la série "Around and Around " (2002)
une empreinte/une boite plastique/11cm x 7cm
Blister from the "Around and Around" series (2002)
blister - one imprint/ one plastic case/4,3 x 3,7 inches